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Chipped Teeth

Chipped Teeth

Ever experienced that sudden crunch while biting down on something hard? A chipped tooth occurs when a portion of the tooth enamel is broken or fractured. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as biting down on something hard, sustaining an injury to the mouth, or experiencing wear and tear over time. 

A chipped tooth can range from minor cosmetic issues to more severe structural damage, depending on the extent of the break. It can cause sensitivity and pain while chewing and even lead to infections if left untreated.

In some cases, a chipped tooth may not cause immediate discomfort but should still be evaluated by a dentist. Ignoring it could result in further damage over time, potentially leading to more extensive dental work. If you suspect you have a chipped tooth, schedule an appointment with your dentist for an evaluation and appropriate treatment options. Early intervention can prevent complications and restore your oral health.

Causes of Chipped Teeth

Chipped teeth can happen for various reasons, from accidental injuries to poor dental habits.

  • One common cause is biting down on hard objects like ice cubes or pens, which can create stress on the teeth and lead to a chip.
  • Another culprit is teeth grinding or clenching, especially during sleep when you may not even be aware of it.
  • Sports-related injuries are also a frequent cause of chipped teeth, as contact sports increase the risk of getting hit in the mouth.
  • Additionally, poor oral hygiene and consuming acidic foods and drinks can weaken tooth enamel over time, making them more prone to chipping.
  • Furthermore, age plays a role in tooth fragility; as we get older, our teeth naturally become more susceptible to chips and cracks due to wear and tear.

It's essential to be mindful of these factors that contribute to chipped teeth so you can take steps towards prevention.

Treatments For Chipped Teeth

If you find yourself dealing with a chipped tooth, there are various treatments available to restore your smile.

  • Dental Bonding:One common option is dental bonding, where a tooth-colored resin is applied and molded to the shape of the chipped area. This method is quick and painless, providing immediate results.
  • Crowns and Veneers:Another treatment for more severe cases involves crowns or veneers. Crowns cover the entire tooth, offering protection and an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Veneers are thin shells placed over the front of teeth to improve their look.
  • Root Canal Treatment:In situations where a significant portion of the tooth is missing, a root canal may be necessary before placing a crown on top for added support. Dental implants are also an option if the chipped tooth cannot be saved.

Consulting with our dentist in Herriman, UT, will help determine which treatment is best suited for your specific case. Remember that seeking prompt treatment can prevent further damage and ensure long-term oral health.

Prevention Tips for Chipped Teeth 

To prevent chipped teeth, it's essential to be mindful of certain habits and practices that can help safeguard your pearly whites.

  • One key tip is to avoid using your teeth as tools - they are meant for chewing, not opening bottles or tearing packages!
  • Additionally, wearing a mouthguard during sports activities can provide crucial protection against accidental impacts to the face.
  • Maintaining good oral hygiene is also vital in preventing chipped teeth. Regular brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing can keep your teeth strong and less prone to damage.
  • Furthermore, scheduling routine dental check-ups allows for early detection of any potential issues that could lead to chipping.
  • Another important prevention tip is to be cautious when consuming hard foods like ice, nuts, or hard candies. These items can put excessive pressure on your teeth and increase the risk of chips or fractures.
  • If you tend to grind your teeth at night (bruxism), wearing a custom-made nightguard prescribed by your dentist can help protect against wear and tear.

Complications of Ignoring a Chipped Tooth

Ignoring a chipped tooth may lead to various complications that can worsen over time. One common issue is increased sensitivity in the affected tooth, especially when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks. This heightened sensitivity can cause discomfort and pain, impacting daily activities such as eating and drinking.

Furthermore, a chipped tooth left untreated can progress into a larger crack or fracture, making it more susceptible to infection. Bacteria can easily enter the inner layers of the tooth through these openings, leading to dental decay and potential abscess formation. This not only affects the damaged tooth but also poses risks to neighboring teeth and gums.

In some cases, ignoring a chipped tooth may result in changes to your bite alignment or jaw function. As the integrity of the tooth weakens further, it may affect how you chew food or even speak comfortably. These functional issues can escalate if proper treatment is delayed, potentially requiring more extensive procedures in the future.

Addressing a chipped tooth promptly with professional dental care is crucial to prevent these complications from progressing and safeguarding your oral health. Call us to learn more.


A chipped tooth is not just a cosmetic issue but can lead to various complications if left untreated. It is essential to seek professional help from a dentist in Herriman, UT, as soon as possible if you chip a tooth. Remember that prevention is key, so following the tips mentioned in this article can help avoid chipping your teeth in the future. Taking care of your oral health and addressing any dental concerns promptly will ensure your smile stays healthy and beautiful for years to come.

To have a consultation with our professional dentists at Silver Summit Dental in Herriman, UT, please schedule an online  appointment or call us at (801) 542-0998, and we will be happy to help.

5734 W 13400 S
Herriman, UT, 84096

Silver Summit Dental

5734 W 13400 S

Tel: (801) 542-0998

MON - TUE : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

WED : 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

THU : 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

FRI : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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SUN : Closed